Professional Comprehensive Building Materials Supplier

[Installation Guide] How to install AAC wall panels?

[Installation Guide] How to install AAC wall panels?



  • Description
  • With the many advantages of Aerated Autoclaved Concrete (AAC) wall panel (including but not limited to the superior heat/noise/damp resistance), it has become a more popular material to go to.

    Also, the simplicity and speed of its installation also made it an ideal choice for prefabricated building providers.

    This article shows the installation method of the AAC Wall Panel in detail. Interested? Just read on!



    Before Installation of AAC Wall Panels.


    1. Check Foundation.

    • Foundation must be designed according to Local Building Codes. Verify the level of slab foundation.


    2. Check Structure

    Check for Metal Accessories.

    • Check plumb and alignment of columns/structure.

    • Complete visual inspection of entire supporting structure for panels (bracing, etc.).


    3 . Clear the Unloading and Provisional Storage Area

    • Flat surfaces are required for unloading pallets, preferably close to final position.

    • Place pallets over wood blocks (panels must not be in contact with ground).


    4. Check Material and Installation Logistics

    • Verify dimensions, positions and quantity of the panels according to construction drawings.

    • Define sequence of panel installation.

    • Define type of installation equipment (crane or similar).

    • Evaluate quantity of personnel required


    5. Check for Metal Accessories.

    • AAC connectors for wall panel installation.

    • If type “A” connector will be used, fix connection steel angles to the structure (steel or concrete), spaced as indicated in construction drawings.

    • Steel frames required for span over doors, windows and vents.





    Installation Guide


    1. Installation of Horizontal Wall Panels

    a) Mark center of panels on the tongue side.

    b) Unpack panels using scissors or hammer ax.

    c) Identify the panel that will be laid according to previous logistics.

    d) Chase tongue areas where connectors will be placed.

    e) Place lifting gear at the center of the panel over tongue side and proceed with lifting.

    f) Place cement sand mortar bed (1:4) for leveling the first row of panels. If required, use wedges while setting mortar bed.

    g) Set the panel with the tongue side up.

    h) When placing first row of panels, use provisional clamps to fix panel to structure while connector is placed.

    i) If type “C” connector is used, just place it in its final position and nail to panel. The type of connector to be used should be specified in construction drawings.

    j) This procedure is followed for the next panels.

    k) Seal vertical joints between panels using backer rod and caulking.

    l) Seal horizontal joints between panels with caulking.



    • Handle panels with care to avoid a damage.

    • Panels must be flush with the support structure before nailing.

    • Clean the groove side of panels.

    • Make chases needed prior to installation.




    2. Installation of Vertical Wall Panels

    a) Unpack panels using scissors or hammer ax.

    b) Identify the panel that will be laid according to previous logistics.

    c) Chase tongue areas where connectors will be placed.

    d) If needed, place cement sand mortar bed (1:4) for leveling the first row of panels. Wedges can be used to adjust panels while setting mortar bed.

    e) Turn down the panel over wood blocks and place the lifting hook into lateral hole all AAC Vertical Wall Panels are manufactured with a lateral hole.

    f) Lift the panel and place it in its final position .

    g) Check alignment and plumb using a mason's level.

    h) Place bottom connector (type “B”) over tongue side, nail to the panel using galvanized 7” nails and fix to the foundation using a powder-actuated fastening tool and pins for concrete.

    i) Place the upper connector (middle connector if two or more rows will be installed). The type of connector to be used should be specified in construction drawings.

    j) This procedure is followed for the next panels.

    k) Once the first row of panels is installed, proceed with installation of second row of panels, as required, using middle and upper connectors.

    l) Seal joints between panels with caulking.

    m) Seal joints at corners using backer rod and caulking.



    • Handle panels with care or forklift to avoid damage.

    • Panels must be flush with the support structure before nailing.

    • Clean the groove side of the panels.

    • Make chases needed prior to installation.



    3. Cutting Panels

    According to construction drawings, identify AAC Wall Panels prepared to be cut. AAC Wall Panels can be cut to length to fit openings or frame heights.

    Permissible cutting lengths are in function of the project dimensions. Along its length, AAC Wall Panels can be cut 1/3 the width.

    Cutting Procedures

    a) Prepare a flat surface for cutting site.

    b) Check dimensions of cuts to be made.

    c) For transversal cuts, wood pieces must be placed along the sides of the cut and at the edges of the panel.

    d) For longitudinal cuts, wood pieces must be placed at every 9 ft. minimum for 6 to 12 in. thick panels and at every 6 ft. for panels 4 and 5 in. thick.

    e) Check for full contact between wood pieces and panel. Wedge if necessary.

    f) Trace the cut dimensions and place a ruler as a guide.

    g) Proceed with panel cutting, verifying that cutting dimensions comply with specifications.

    h) Apply anticorrosive paint at exposed reinforce bar tips.



    4. Openings

    Steel frames are required at openings for doors, windows, vents, etc. Opening locations and steel profiles must be specified in construction drawings.

    Caution: Use safety gear: Hard hat, gloves, dust mask and goggles to avoid excessive inhalation of dust and protection of the eyes when handling AAC Wall Panels.



    5. Surface Patching

    Use AAC Repair Mortar to patch chips , breaks and other imperfections on surfaces of AAC Wall Panels.

    AAC Repair Mortar is mixed in a plastic bucket, adding water (see instructions on the bag) and mixed with a stirrer using a power drill or by manual means (depending on quantity to be used). It is applied using a spatula.



    6. Renders and Finishes

    AAC Wall Panel can be finished with elastomeric paints (Block filler, primer and elastomeric paint), AAC Stucco, acrylic finishes, cement-based finishes, etc. Joints between panels will be visible. For plane surfaces without visible joints, call AAC for technical assistance.




    Buildtech also provides our certified AAC Wall Panel to customers around the world. If you are interested or just want to know more, please don't hesitate to contact!

    Tel: 010-88082306; 010-88082322



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